Thursday, February 10, 2011

Your Post Here

We're pleased to announce The Sales Association has launched this blog. We're even more pleased to announce that we're not the experts – you are. So, rather than re-invent the wheel, we're offering the opportunity for sales bloggers, aspiring or already fabulously successful authors to submit new articles or re-post their existing articles to our blog.

Why blog for the Sales Association? Because we will Reward You.

Our blog automatically feeds into The Sales Association main LinkedIn Group of 20,000 members, as well as all our subgroups and country groups numbering thousands more. It also feeds into our Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Plus, there are rewards for participating, which are based on unique site visits. The top 10 most read blog posts per quarter will be listed in a dedicated email sent to nearly 200,000 followers. At the end of the year, we'll issue an award and make an email announcement to all of our members naming the Top Sales Blogger of the year, and will also send a press release to the major sales-related publications.

There will only be one post on our site per week day. For those that have a specialty area in sales, here is the weekly content schedule:

- Monday: Cold-calling or Prospecting/Qualifying
- Tuesday: Customer Relationships or Consultative Selling or Generating Referrals
- Wednesday: Negotiating or Closing or "Wildcard" (any sales topic)
- Thursday: C-Level Selling or Effective Presentations or "Wildcard"
- Friday: Social Media/Sales 2.0

Here are the rules, which are in your best interest as well as ours:

  1. Absolutely no marketing. Any mention of “my book, my podcast, my webinar, my, my, my. . .” is strictly prohibited. No links asking people to leave the blog to buy stuff will be permitted. Violations of this rule will result in a permanent ban from ever posting again. We're serious.
  2. The bone we're throwing in exchange for Rule #1: we'll include links to your blog, website, bio, etc. as well as Twitter, FB, LinkedIn “follow me” links at the end of your blog post.
  3. In line with Rule #1: please provide value, no “teasers” that force readers leave the site “for more information.” Blog posts must be whole and complete and satisfying in and of themselves. If you provide quality and value, our members will flock to follow you. And, The Sales Association will be happy to promote the heck out of you, too.

If you would like to post to our blog, please submit your post or a link to it to Sales Blog Post Submissions. Please let me know the topic category above that it falls into. The Sales Association reserves the right to publish, not publish and edit any posts submitted.

Thanks, and I look forward to sharing with our followers your ideas, research and experience on best practices in sales and sales management!


Jeffrey W. Arnold, MAM, CAE
Executive Director
The Sales Association
2460 W. 26th Ave., Suite 245C
Denver, CO 80211

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